Tutkimuksia 2015

Public Health England: E-cigarettes: an evidence update. A report commissioned by Public Health England. August 2015.
Lehdistötiedote raportista.
Farsalinos KE, Gillman G, Poulas K et al. (2015) – Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines in Electronic Cigarettes: Comparison between Liquid and Aerosol Levels – Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (2015)
Results: Only NAB was found at trace levels in two commercial liquids (1.2 and 2.3 ng/g), while the third contained 1.5 ng/g NAB and 7.7 ng/g NNN. The 100-puff sets resulted in 336–515 mg liquid consumption, with no TSNAs being detected in the aerosol.
Information: Approved products like Nicotine inhaler, Nicotine gum and Nicotine patch contains similar tobacco-specific nitrosamine levels. Link
Beard E, Brown J, McNeill A, Michie S & West R. (2015) – Has growth in electronic cigarette use by smokers been responsible for the decline in use of licensed nicotine products? Findings from repeated cross-sectional surveys. – Thorax (2015)
El-Hellani A, El-Hage R, Baalbaki R et al. (2015) – Free-Base and Protonated Nicotine in Electronic Cigarette Liquids and Aerosols. – Chem Res Toxicol. (2015)
Fulltext: Link
Commentary by Michael Siegel: American Chemical Society Grossly Misrepresents Scientific Study in Order to Demonize E-Cigarettes
Dautzenberg B, Bricard D (2015) – Real-Time Characterization of E-Cigarettes Use: The 1 Million Puffs Study. – Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy (2015)
Summary:Findings of study may help to set parameter of test machine for e-cigarette to assess in standards conditions the emissions of e-cigarette.
Hecht S, Carmella S, Kotandeniya D et al. (2015) – Evaluation of Toxicant and Carcinogen Metabolites in the Urine of E-Cigarette Users Versus Cigarette Smokers. – Oxford Journals – Nicotine & Tobacco Research (2015)
Authors Conclusion:With respect to the compounds analyzed here, e-cigarettes have a more favorable toxicity profile than tobacco cigarettes.
Schweitzer KS, Chen SX, Law S, et al. (2015) – Endothelial disruptive proinflammatory effects of nicotine and e-cigarette vapor exposures. – American Journal of Physiology (2015)
Information: Authors exposed cells with plasma nicotine levels between 162.000 and 3,240.000 ng/ml and call this ”relatively high”
Funny fact: Lethal levels are between 2.000 and 4.000 ng/ml! Normal levels for smokers/vapers are between 20-30 ng/ml! (HT Bernd Mayer!)
The more, the better…
Tierney PA, Karpinski CD, Brown JE, et al. (2015) – Flavour chemicals in electronic cigarette fluids. – Tobacco Control (2015))
Commentary by Michael Siegel:: Study produces unwarranted scare
Neilson L, Mankus C, Throne D, et al. (2015) – Development of an in vitro cytotoxicity model for aerosol exposure using 3D reconstructed human airway tissue; application for assessment of e-cigarette aerosol. – Toxicology in Vitro (2015) Important!!!
Polosa R. (2015) – Electronic cigarette use and harm reversal: emerging evidence in the lung. – BMC Medicine (2015) Important!!!
Perkins KA, Karelitz JL, Michael VC (2015) – Reinforcement enhancing effects of acute nicotine via electronic cigarettes. – Drug Alcohol Dependence (2015)
O’Connell G, Colard S, Cahours X, Prtchard (2015) – An Assessment of Indoor Air Quality before, during and after Unrestricted Use of E-Cigarettes in a Small Room. Int. Journal Research & PH (2015)
Authors Conclusion: Our data indicate that exposure of bystanders to the chemicals in the exhaled e-cigarette aerosol, at the levels measured within our study, are below current regulatory standards that are used for workplaces or general indoor air quality. This finding supports the conclusions of other researchers that have stated there is no apparent risk to bystanders from exhaled e-cigarette aerosols.
Farsalinos KE, Voudris V, Poulas K (2015) – E-cigarettes generate high levels of aldehydes only in ‘dry puff’ conditions. Addiction (2015)
Commentary by J-F Etter:: The recent scares were without substance, and the general verdict that e-cigs areat least 95% safer than smoking remains solid.
Commentary by P Hajek:: There is good news here. The recent scares were without substance, and the general verdict that e-cigs are at least 95% safer than smoking remains solid.
Etter J-F (2015) – E-cigarettes: methodological and ideological issues and research priorities. – BMC Medicine (2015)) Important!!!
Cobb CO, Hendricks PS, Eissenberg T (2015) – Electronic cigarettes and nicotine dependence: evolving products, evolving problems. – BMC Medicine (2015)
Farsalinos KE, Gillmann IG et al. (2015) – Nicotine Levels and Presence of Selected Tobacco-Derived Toxins in Tobacco Flavoured Electronic Cigarette Refill Liquids. – Int. Journal Environment Research & PH (2015) Important!!!
Varlet V, Farsalinos KE, Augsburger M (2015) – Toxicity Assessment of Refill Liquids for Electronic Cigarettes. – In. Journal Environment Research & PH (2015)
Amato MS, Boyle RG, Levy D (2015) – How to define e-cigarette prevalence? Finding clues in the use frequency distribution. – Tobacco Control (2015)
Hajek P (2015) – The development and testing of new nicotine replacement treatments: from ‘nicotine replacement’ to ‘smoking replacement’. Addiction (2015)
Scheffler S, Dieken H, Krischenowski O, et al. (2015) – Evaluation of E-Cigarette Liquid Vapor and Mainstream Cigarette Smoke after Direct Exposure of Primary Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (2015)
Information: Authors apparently ignored ISO 10993-5. They exposed NHBE cells with 200 puffs of e-cig aersol to generate a response. This means: They exposed the cells to as much aersol as needed to have toxicity. With this methodology, any chemical would be toxic. (HT Konstantinos Farsalinos!)
The more, the better…
O’Brien B, Knight-West O, Walker N, et al. (2015) – E-cigarettes versus NRT for smoking reduction or cessation in people with mental illness: secondary analysis of data from the ASCEND trial. Tobacco Induced Diseases (2015)
Farsalinos K, Voudris V, Poulas K (2015) – Are Metals Emitted from Electronic Cigarettes a Reason for Health Concern? A Risk-Assessment Analysis of Currently Available Literature.. Int. Journal Environment Research & PH (2015)) Important!!!
Tayyarah R, Long GA (2015) – Comparison of select analytes in aerosol from e-cigarettes with smoke from conventional cigarettes and with ambient air. – Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (2015) Important!!!
Talih S, Balhas Z, Salman R, et al. (2015) – „Direct Dripping“: A High-Temperature, High-Formaldehyde Emission Electronic Cigarette Use Method. – Nicotine Tobacco Research (2015) “Dry-Burn-Study”
Read: THIS
Tackett AP, Lechner WV, DeMond MG, et al. (2015) Biochemically verified smoking cessation and vaping beliefs among vape store customers. – Addiction (2015)
Shiffman S et al. (2014) – The Impact of Flavor Descriptors on Nonsmoking Teens’ and Adult Smokers’ Interest in Electronic Cigarettes. – Oxford Journals – Nicotine and Tobacco Research (2015)
Al-Delaimy WK, Myers MG, Leas EC, et al. (2015) – E-Cigarette Use in the Past and Quitting Behavior in the Future: A Population-Based Study. – American Journal of Public Health (2015) Junkscience!!!
Geiss O, Bianchi I, Barahona F et al. (2015) – Characterisation of mainstream and passive vapours emitted by selected electronic cigarettes. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (2015)
Information: Any harmful chemicals are in such low quantities that they often can’t even be detected.
Moore G, Hewitt G, Evans J, et al. (2015) – Electronic-cigarette use among young people in Wales: evidence from two cross-sectional surveys. – BMJ Open (2015) Important!!!
Etter J-F, Eissenberg T (2015) – Dependence levels in users of electronic cigarettes, nicotine gums and tobacco cigarettes. – Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2015)
Information: NRTs and e-cigarettes are far less efficient at delivery nicotine than tobaccocigarettes. This means likely different dependence outcomes.
Hitchman SC, Brose LS, Brown J et al. (2015) – Associations Between E-Cigarette Type, Frequency of Use, and Quitting Smoking: Findings From a Longitudinal Online Panel Survey in Great Britain. – Oxford Journals – Nicotine & Tobacco Research (2015)
Meier E M et al. (2015) – Which Nicotine Products Are Gateways to Regular Use?– American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2015)
Mishra A, Chatuvedi P, Datta S, et al. (2015) – Harmful effects of nicotine. – Indian Journal Medicine Paediatric Oncology (2015) Cherrypicking paper, see comment below abstract!!!


Hiirillä tehty tutkimus näytti hämmästyttävän vähäistä akuuttia myrkyllisyyttä, vaikka testaustavoissa oli vakavia virheitä (uutinen)

PLOS ONE -lehdessäjulkaistu John Hopkinsin yliopiston tutkimus testasi sähkösavukkeiden höyryn vaikutusta hiiriin. Tutkimuksen mukaan sähkösavukkeen höyryllä saattaa olla yhteys hengitystieinfektioihin. Julkaistu helmikuussa 2015.


Höyryttely ja Formaldehydi -tutkimuksen kyseenalaistus (uutinen)

Uusi tutkimus näytti, että korkealla jännitteellä höyryttely synnytti suuria määriä karsinogeeniä nimeltä formaldehydi. Tohtori Konstantinos Farsalinos otti kantaa tutkimukseen. Julkaistu tammikuussa 2015.