Farsalinos, Konstantinos E (et al.): E-cigarettes emit very high formaldehyde levels only in conditions that are aversive to users: A replication study under verified realistic use conditions. Food and Chemical Toxicology, November 2017.
Levy, David T (et al.): Potential deaths averted in USA by replacing cigarettes with e-cigarettes. Tobacco Control, Oct 2017.
Artikkeli aiheesta:
Kelland, Kate: Switching to e-cigarettes could save 6.6 million American smokers: researchers. Reuters, Oct 3, 2017.
Buckell, John (et al.): Should flavors be banned in e-cigarettes? Evidence on adult smokers and recent quitters from a discrete choice experiment. NBER Working paper series. Oct 2017.
Artikkeli aiheesta:
Malito, Alessandra: What a ban on e-cigarette flavors could mean for smokers. MarketWatch, Oct 2, 2017.
Farsalinos, Konstantinos (et al.): Changes in puffing topography and nicotine consumption depending on the power setting of electronic cigarettes. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 03 October 2017.
Protano, C (et al.): Second-hand smoke generated by combustion and electronic smoking devices used in real scenarios: Ultrafine particle pollution and age-related dose assessment. Environ Int., 2017 Oct.
Stoptober 2017 (Public Health England): www.nhs.uk/oneyou/stoptober/home
Artikkeli aiheesta:
Torjesen, Ingrid: Stoptober campaign backs e-cigarettes for the first time. The Pharmaceutical Journal, 26.9.2017.
Michalopoulos, Sarantis: Swedish snus wants place in EU tobacco directive. Euractiv.com 26.9.2017. bit.ly/2yjwhMe
NHS Health Scotland: E-cigs definitely less harmful than smoking. Media release 21.9.2017.
Cancer Research UK: Smoking quit rates highest in 10 years. 21 September 2017
Moheimani RS (et al.): Sympathomimetic Effects of Acute E-Cigarette Use: Role of Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Constituents. Journal of the American Heart Association, 20.9.2017.
Kouluterveyskyselyn tulokset nuorilla 2006-2017. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos 14.9.2017.
Nuorten tupakointi oppilaitostyypeittäin. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos 14.9.2017.
Nuorten tupakointi. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos 14.9.2017.
Oma artikkelimme aiheesta: http://vapers.fi/2017/09/kouluterveyskysely-2017-nuorten-tupakointi-jatkaa-laskuaan-vaihtoehtoisten-tuotteiden-kayton-kasvun-rinnalla/
Uutisia European Respiratory Society -konferenssista:
Boyles, Salynn: E-Cigs May Still Damage Blood Vessels. MedPage Today, September 10, 2017.
News-Medical.net: Studies highlight risks associated with using e-cigarettes. 11.9.2017.
Kritiikkiä em. konferenssiesityksiin:
Science Media Centre: Expert reaction to three conference papers on e-cigarettes. 10.9.2017.
Science Media Centre: Expert reaction to a conference papers on e-cigarettes during pregnancy and asthma. 11.9.2017.
Mendelsohn, Colin: Misleading, sensational headlines about e-cigarettes cost lives. 13.9.2017.
Gartner, Coral E: E-cigarettes and youth smoking: be alert but not alarmed. Tobacco Control. September 8, 2017. bit.ly/2yiAJL9
Warner, Kenneth E – Schroeder, Steven A: FDA’s Innovative Plan to Address the Enormous Toll of Smoking. JAMA, September 8, 2017. bit.ly/2xRDEZR
Polosa, Riccardo (et al.): A critique of the US Surgeon General’s conclusions regarding e-cigarette use among youth and young adults in the United States of America. Harm Reduction Journal, 6 September 2017. https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-017-0187-5
Phung A (et al.): Use of smoking cessation products: A survey of patients in community pharmacies. Can Pharm J., published online 2017 Aug 2.
Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia: Position Statement #3. Electronic Cigarettes for Tobacco Harm Reduction. 2017.
Selya, AS (et al.): Evaluating the mutual pathways among electronic cigarette use, conventional smoking and nicotine dependence. Addiction 2017 Aug 25.
Etter, Jean-François: Gateway effects and electronic cigarettes. Addiction, 7 August 2017.
Mendelsohn, Colin: Question of the week. Does vaping cause Popcorn Lung? 17 August, 2017.
Bauld, Linda (et al.): Young People’s Use of E-Cigarettes across the United Kingdom: Findings from Five Surveys 2015–2017. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 29 August 2017.
Artikkeli aiheesta:
Boseley, Sarah: Fears over e-cigarettes leading to smoking for young people unfounded – study. The Guardian, 29 August 2017.
Haelle, Tara: More Evidence Suggests E-Cigarettes Help Some Smokers Quit. Forbes 31.8.2017.
Oma artikkelimme tupakoinnin lopettamista sähkösavukkeilla koskevista yhdysvaltalaistutkimuksista: http://vapers.fi/2017/09/yhdysvaltalaistutkimukset-tupakoinnin-lopettaminen-yleisinta-sahkosavukkeita-kayttavien-keskuudessa/
Levy, David T. (et al.): The Relationship of E-Cigarette Use to Cigarette Quit Attempts and Cessation: Insights From a Large, Nationally Representative U.S. Survey. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 31.8.2017.
Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. ”Daily e-cigarette users had highest rates of quitting smoking.” 17.8.2017.
Macfadyen, Sarah: View: Is vaping safer than smoking cigarettes? Euronews, 16/08/2017.
Giovenco, Daniel P. (et al.): Prevalence of population smoking cessation by electronic cigarette use status in a national sample of recent smokers. Addictive Behaviors, available online 3.8.2017.
Benowitz NL – Fraiman JB: Cardiovascular effects of electronic cigarettes. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2017 Aug.
Stephens WE: Comparing the cancer potencies of emissions from vapourised nicotine products including e-cigarettes with those of tobacco smoke. Tobacco Control, Published Online First, 04 August 2017.
Artikkeli tutkimuksesta:
Mendelsohn, Colin: Vapers have much lower cancer risk than smokers. 5 August, 2017.
Oma artikkelimme aiheesta: http://vapers.fi/2017/08/tutkimus-e-savukkeiden-kayttajilla-merkittavasti-pienempi-syopariski-kuin-tupakoijilla/
Liu, Jianmin (et al.): Determination of Selected Chemical Levels in Room Air and on Surfaces after the Use of Cartridge- and Tank-Based E-Vapor Products or Conventional Cigarettes. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 28 August 2017.
Gottlieb, Scott: Protecting American Families: Comprehensive Approach to Nicotine and Tobacco. U.S Food & Drug Adminstration 28.7.2017.
Zwack, Leonard M (et al.): Evaluation of Chemical Exposures at a Vape Shop. HHE Report No. 2015-0107-3279. July 2017.
Gucht DV (et al.): Online Vape Shop Customers Who Use E-Cigarettes Report Abstinence from Smoking and Improved Quality of Life, But a Substantial Minority Still Have Vaping-Related Health Concerns. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2017 Jul 17.
Zhu, Shu-Hong (et al.): E-cigarette use and associated changes in population smoking cessation: evidence from US current population surveys. BMJ 4.7.2017.
Soneji, Amir (et al.): Association Between Initial Use of e-Cigarettes and Subsequent Cigarette Smoking Among Adolescents and Young Adults. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatrics, published online June 26, 2017.
Yle:n uutinen aiheesta:
Yle Uutiset 20.7.2017: Sähkötupakkaa kokeilevat tarttuvat todennäköisemmin myös varsinaiseen tupakkaan. (Lähde: Uutispalvelu Duodecim).
Kritiikkiä ko. tutkimukseen: Expert reaction to review of e-cigarettes and smoking in young adults. Science Media Centre, 26.6.2017.
Nitzkin, Joel: Comments Re: ‘Association between initial use of e-cigarettes and subsequent cigarette smoking among adolescents and young adults’. RStreet, 8.7.2017.
Oma artikkelimme aiheesta: http://vapers.fi/2017/07/tutkimus-sahkosavukkeita-kokeilevat-kokeilevat-todennakoisemmin-myos-tavallisia-savukkeita-mutta-mita-se-kertoo-sahkosavukkeiden-vaikutuksesta-tupakointiin/
UK Centre for Tobacco & Alcohol Studies: Vaping may help explain the record fall in UK smoking rates – Press Release with comments from UKCTAS Directors. June 2017.
CDC: Youth tobacco product use, including e-cigarettes, drops during 2015-2016.
Press Release. June 15, 2017.
Artikkeli aiheesta: Sullum, Jacob: As Vaping Exploded Among Teenagers, Smoking Fell by Half. reason.com, Jun 19, 2017.
Case, KR (et al.): Source Credibility and E-Cigarette Attitudes: Implications for Tobacco Communication. Health Commun. 2017 Jun.
Mendelsohn, Colin: 135 leading health experts support legal vaping in Australia. 20 June, 2017.
Selbie, Duncan: Our ambition for a Smokefree nation is in sight. Public Health England, 16 June 2017.
Gottlieb, Scott: Protecting American Families: Comprehensive Approach to Nicotine and Tobacco. U.S Food & Drug Adminstration 28.7.2017.
Etter JF: Electronic cigarette: a longitudinal study of regular vapers. Nicotine Tob Res., 2017 Jun 7.
Cotta, Karyn I: A Review on the Safety of Inhalation of Propylene Glycol in E-cigarettes. Global journal of Pharmacy & pharmaceutical Science, May 26, 2017.
Siegel, Michael: Government Testing of Another Vape Shop Reveals No Cause for Concern about Secondhand Vaping. The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary.
Truth Initiative: Vaping and Confused: Adult smoker and former smoker perceptions and use of e-cigarettes.
Ross, Alice: Majority of vapers have quit tobacco – survey. The Guardian, 8 May 2017.
Klepeis, Neil E. (et al.): Fine particles in homes of predominantly low-income families with children and smokers: Key physical and behavioral determinants to inform indoor-air-quality interventions. PlosOne, May 17, 2017.
Pankow, James F. (et al.): Benzene formation in electronic cigarettes. PlosOne, March 8, 2017.
Dr. Farsalinoksen analyysi tutkimuksesta:
Study titled “Benzene formation in e-cigarettes” found that air has more benzene than e-cigs. E-cigarette Research, 09 March 2017.
Jones, Rhett: Anti-Vaping Surgeon General Has Been Abruptly Replaced. Gizmodo, 22.4.2017.
Johnson, Lee: Teenage Dripping Craze Fake News Say Vape Researchers. Ashtray blog, 9.3.2017.
Piri, Olli-Juhani: Sähkötupakka saattaa vaikuttaa keuhkoihin perinteisiä savukkeita vähemmän. terve.fi, 20.3.2017.
Sharma, Ratika (et al.): Should we encourage smokers with severe mental illness to switch to electronic cigarettes? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, March 2017.
Lehdistötiedote: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists: RANZCP concerned at high rates of smoking and reduced life expectancy of severely mentally ill people: https://www.ranzcp.org/News-policy/News/RANZCP-concerned-at-high-rates-of-smoking-and-redu.aspx
Boseley, Sarah: Smoking numbers hit new low as Britons turn to vaping to help quit cigarettes. The Guardian, March 2017.
Centre for Substance Use and Research (CSUR, Glasgow): Young people do not associate e-cigarettes with increased likelihood of smoking. MedicalXpress, March 2017.
Aihetta sivuava oma artikkelimme: http://vapers.fi/2017/03/sahkosavukkeet-eivat-koukuta-nuoria-tupakka-tai-nikotiiniriippuvuuteen-osoittavat-tuoreet-tutkimukset/
Farsalinos, K. (et al.): Prevalence and correlates of current daily use of electronic cigarettes in the European Union: analysis of the 2014 Eurobarometer survey. Internal and Emergency Medicine (online), March 2017. http://bit.ly/2n53fH4
Yong, Hua-Hie (e al.): Does the regulatory environment for e-cigarettes influence the effectiveness of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation? Longitudinal findings from the ITC Four Country Survey. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, March 2017.
Special Eurobarometer 458: Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes. March 2017.
Bullen, Chris (et al.): What role do e-cigarettes have in a country with a smokefree goal? The Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco 2017 Annual Meeting, Abstracts, March 2017, s. 20. http://bit.ly/2miCkqC
Kinnunen, Jaana M. (ym.): Nuorten terveystapatutkimus 2017. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö. bit.ly/2wxXru2
Goniewicz, ML (et al.): Exposure to Nicotine and Selected Toxicants in Cigarette Smokers Who Switched to Electronic Cigarettes: A Longitudinal Within-Subjects Observational Study. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, February 2017.
The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF): Vaping and the Law: Comparing legislation across Canada. February 2017.
Moheimani, Roya S. (et al.): Increased Cardiac Sympathetic Activity and Oxidative Stress in Habitual Electronic Cigarette Users. JAMA Cardiol., February 1, 2017.
Reaktioita tutkimukseen: https://ukctas.wordpress.com/2017/02/02/ukctas-experts-reaction-to-e-cigarettes-and-cardiovascular-risk/
Oma artikkelimme aiheesta: http://vapers.fi/2017/02/suhteellisuudentajua-sahkosavukkeiden-sydanriskeihin/
Cancer Research UK: Nicotine, Carcinogen, and Toxin Exposure in Long-Term E-Cigarette and Nicotine Replacement Therapy Users: A Cross-sectional Study. Annals of Internal Medicine, February 2017.
Lehdistötiedote: Cancer Research UK: E-cigarettes safer than smoking says long-term study. Press Release, 6 February 2017. http://bit.ly/2liPuDd
Uutinen aiheesta: Harrison, Pam: E-Cigarettes as Safe as Nicotine Replacement in Real-World Study. Medscape 7.2.2017. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/875473?src=soc_fb_share#vp_1
Oma artikkelimme aiheesta: http://vapers.fi/2017/02/tutkimus-sahkosavukkeista-elimistoon-paatyvista-haitta-aineista-pitkaaikaiskayton-riskit-vertautuvat-nikotiinikorvaustuotteisiin/
Palazzolo, Dominic L. (et al.): Trace Metals Derived from Electronic Cigarette (ECIG) Generated Aerosol: Potential Problem of ECIG Devices That Contain Nickel. Front. Physiol., 10 January 2017.
Artikkeli aiheesta:
Harlay, Jérôme: Trace metals: A comparative study between Ecigs aerosol and cigarette smoke. Vaping Post, January 27, 2017. https://www.vapingpost.com/2017/01/27/trace-metals-a-comparative-study-between-ecigs-aerosol-and-cigarette-smoke/amp/
O’Leary, Renée (et al.): Clearing the Air: A systematic review on the harms and benefits of e-cigarettes and vapour devices. January 2017. http://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/carbc/assets/docs/report-clearing-the-air-review-exec-summary.pdf
Gonzales, Roz A. (et al.): Evaluating nicotine dependence levels in e-cigarette users. Addicciones, January 2017.
Kozlowski, Lynn T. – Sweanor, David T.: Young or adult users of multiple tobacco/nicotine products urgently need to be informed of meaningful differences in product risks. Addictive Behaviors, January 2017 (Article in Press).
Hajek, Peter (et al.): Nicotine delivery to users from cigarettes and from different types of e-cigarettes. Psychopharmacology, Jan. 2017.
Antherieu, S. (et al.): Comparison of cellular and transcriptomic effects between electronic cigarette vapor and cigarette smoke in human bronchial epithelial cells. Toxicol. In Vitro, January 2017.
Kozlowski, Lynn T. (et al.): Adolescents and e-cigarettes: Objects of concern may appear larger than they are. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, January 2017.
Artikkeleita aiheesta:
MedicalXpress: E-cigarettes a gateway to smoking? Not likely, according to new published research https://m.medicalxpress.com/news/2017-03-e-cigarettes-gateway-published.html
Gustavsson, Joonas: ”Suuri yleisö pitää sähkötupakointia vaarallisempana kuin mitä se todellisuudessa on”. Tekniikan Maailma 15.3.2017.
Aihetta sivuava oma artikkelimme: http://vapers.fi/2017/03/sahkosavukkeet-eivat-koukuta-nuoria-tupakka-tai-nikotiiniriippuvuuteen-osoittavat-tuoreet-tutkimukset/